2006-01-05 11:56:54 UTC
I'm pretty new with skinstudio so I hope this is not a stupid question. I
read that windowblinds 5 adds new things in skinstudio like an extra section
for the 'please wait' window and extra options with translucency.
But when I open skinstudio I cannot find any section for the please wait
window or any new translucency options. And when I try to edit any existing
skins that have those options enabled it funks all their translucent parts.
Is there a specific order to install them or something? I just can't seem to
get it to work...
I'm pretty new with skinstudio so I hope this is not a stupid question. I
read that windowblinds 5 adds new things in skinstudio like an extra section
for the 'please wait' window and extra options with translucency.
But when I open skinstudio I cannot find any section for the please wait
window or any new translucency options. And when I try to edit any existing
skins that have those options enabled it funks all their translucent parts.
Is there a specific order to install them or something? I just can't seem to
get it to work...